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Investor Presentation

Assets and Liabilities Structure Assets bln AMD Liabilities and equity +13% +14% bln AMD 1,410 +13% 1,252 +14% 1,097 196 172 +14% 129 +33% 1,410 1,252 1,097 1,080 +12% 1,214 968 +12% 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 TOTAL LIABILITIES EQUITY Structure of assets 4% 7% 9% 10% Loans to customers. Securities Cash and cash equivalent Interbank loans and REPO Other Structure of liabilities .3% 2% 2% 4% 4% 10% 70% 32% 09 Investor Presentation | Highlights • Total assets increased by 13% YoY, while equity increased by 14% YoY. Diversified balance-sheet structure with 88% interest earning assets to total assets and 85% customer funds to total liabilities. Maintaining exceptional sectorial diversification of loan portfolio, with balanced exposure to all industries. Loan portfolio stucture 404% 2%1% 1% 4% 4% 43% 4% 5% 8% 38% Demand deposits Time deposits Bonds Loans from IFIS Other liabilities Subordinated debt Loans from CBA Deposits and balances from banks 11% Loans to retail customers Construction 13% Retail trade Real estate Agriculture, forestry and timber Wholesale trade Other Mining-Metallurgy Energy Food and beverage Hotel service Communication. services Transportation Λ
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