FY23 Full-Year Results Presentation slide image

FY23 Full-Year Results Presentation

Regis Healthcare Limited | FY23 Full-Year Results Presentation Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Regis' environmental, social and governance commitments Caring for the Environment Caring for our Local Communities Caring for our People Caring for Regis Caring for Society V BUSINESS ETHICS 08 We aim to minimise our environmental footprint to preserve and regenerate our shared natural world for future generations We prioritise putting our local communities first for positive economic impact We commit to maintaining our Culture of Care for our residents and clients while extending it to our people, our care partners, our community and our shareholders We hold ourselves to the highest standards of behaviour, ethics and operations to continue delivering a prosperous organisation We advocate for systemic improvements and reform in aged care ensuring viable and quality access for now and into the future -18- regis healthcare
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