Investor Presentaiton
Peer Support: Changes in State-
funded Service Definition
Services are provided directly by NC Certified Peer Support Specialist (NC CPSS) who
identify as being a person in recovery from mental illness and/or substance use
It can be provided 1:1 or in a group setting
Service recipients must be 18 years of age or older
Recipients must have a diagnosis of mental illness and/or substance use
Staff Requirements include:
PSS staff (except for the PSS Program Supervisor) MUST be CPSS
The PSS Program Supervisor MUST be a full time QP, they can also be a CPSS
The PSS Program Supervisor can supervise up to 8 CPSS, and a CPSS can work
with up to 15 individuals (12 individuals in a group setting
There are some requirements for - and limitations on -
coverage designed to offer
Each individual receives 24 unmanaged units (6 hours) per State fiscal year
where there no authorization is required - just a service order.
Unmanaged units can be expanded in advance of managed units being planned
for and implemented
LME-MCOS can offer less restrictive limitations on unmanaged units but cannot
impose more restrictive limitations than the State-Funded policyView entire presentation