HY 2023 Results and Growth Prospects
Application of the returns policy
Capital return considerations
Results for HY 2023
Long-term growth prospects
For personal use only
Balance sheet strength
P40-60 per cent of underlying earnings through the cycle
Balanced between growth and shareholder returns
Rio Tinto
Operating cash flow of $7.0bn
FCF of $3.8bn
Underlying earnings down 34% to $5.7bn
Focused on Oyu Tolgoi
Simandou project progressing
• Investing in replacing high quality assets in Pilbara and Kennecott
Ongoing exploration and evaluation programme
Strong balance sheet with net debt of $4.4bn
Interim pay-out of 50% based on (i) Strong financial performance in 2023
(ii) strong balance sheet (iii) outlook
Defined growth pipeline and a strong balance sheet providing capacity for shareholder return
Our priority is to generate long-term value by consistently implementing our strategic objectives
through the cycle
We continue to maintain our capital discipline in times of macro-economic challenge and uncertainty
We have made additional returns in times of surplus cash flow and lower capital needs and we will
continue to pay attractive dividends to our shareholders in line with our pay-out policy
China's economic recovery has fallen short of initial market expectations, as the property market
downturn continues to weigh on the economy and consumers remain cautious despite monetary
policy easing. Manufacturing data in advanced economies showed a further slowdown and
recessionary risks remain
©2023, Rio Tinto, All Rights Reserved 1Free cash flow is defined as net cash generated from operating activities less purchases of PP&E less lease principal payments plus sales of PP&E
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