Vittia Annual Report 2022
Strong Root Program
Inoculação + Proteção Turbo
Our Strong Root Program is a "package" that
aims to offer the producer the maximum
productive potential in a single solution.
This is a joint application program of
biological solutions, based
microorganisms, which provides more
effectiveness in nodulation and nitrogen
supply, resulting in vigorous and healthy
roots and excellent control of plant diseases.
Remember that nodulation is an event
restricted to a group of higher plants, the
Eurosids I (Fagales, Cucurbitales, Rosales
and Fabales). This symbiotic event is
complex and involves a series of
biochemical steps.
Through co-inoculation - which consists
of combining the practice of traditional
inoculation, with Bradyrhizobium sp., with
inoculation with Azospirilulum brasilense,
aiming at greater and better nitrogen
supply, better plant development and
greater increases in productivity
combined with biological tools of
protection (combination of the most
effective nematicide with the most
powerful microbiological fungicide), the
farmer obtains nitrogen fixation and root
development, with protection against
pests and diseases, and optimization of
hormone production. These conditions
provide: functional, healthy, and pathogen-
free roots; greater effectiveness;
high quality; higher concentration of
bacteria; maximum productive potential;
efficacy in
management of
phytonematodes; and extreme control of
soil diseases.
Embrapa proved, through an experiment
in 2021, the efficiency of co-inoculation
in soybeans. Considering four trials,
annual soybean re-inoculation with
Bradyrhizobium, a practice already
widely used by Brazilian soybean farmers,
resulted in an average increase in grain
yield of 222 kg/ha (3.7 bags), or 8.4%,
while the treatment with co-inoculation
resulted in an average increase of 427 kg/
ha (7.1 bags), or 16.1%.
In this way, the Program's proposal is an
indispensable combination for the initial
start-up of the crop: a complete
inoculation and protection solution,
which guarantees greater health and
better development of the crop, leading
to significant gains in productivity.
Annual Report 2022
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