NORD/LB Group Presentation slide image

NORD/LB Group Presentation

News from the business segments Positioning as the Bank of the Energy Transition Corporate Customers in Єm 9MQ23 Revenues Markets Special Finance 9M22 in €m 9M23 9M22 in €m 9M23 9M22 344 304 Revenues 5 RP1 119 0 147 Revenues 247 87 1 RP1 29 41 RP1 -39 Arranging sustainable promissory note mandates for energy suppliers (€ >300 million) Support for agricultural entre- preneurs in the expansion of renew. energiesSupporting energy suppliers in the expansion of renewable energies (€ 650 million) Implementation of flexible financing modules in the value chain of the food industry (>€ 200 million) ■ Intensification of syndicated business with savings banks 1 Risk provisioning Positioning as a sustainable product provider Mortgage Pfandbrief issue: € 500 million, 31 years; more than four times oversubscribed at € 2.1 billion ■ Green Pfandbrief issue: € 500 million, 5 years, order book more than five times over-subscribed with almost 100 individual orders and over € 2.7 billion ■ 2nd rank in the Inspiratia Infrastructure- as well as in the Energy-Lender League Tables 2022 Financing of national and international wind-, solar- and battery storage-projects Top infrastructure projects especially in digital infrastructure, social housing and primary care ■ Active membership as a foun- ding member and driving force in the Impact on Sustainable Aviation Alliance 2 BREEAM is a rating system for ecological and sociocultural aspects of the sustainability of buildings 3 The WELL Building Standard measures, assesses and monitors building characteristics that impact health, well-being and productivity Finanzgruppe 29 Commercial Real Estate in €m 9M23 9M22 Revenues 168 144 16 ☐ RP1 -69 Our green banking strategy is showing growing success, especially in the financing of sustainable buildings. We cover the entire green value chain, including financing by green loans Satellite Nine 4: Modernisation of a Hamburg office building with almost 13,700 m² of leasable space in St. Georg; BREEAM² certification is planned Varso Place: Mixed-use ensemble including offices, hotel, retail, gastronomy; BREEAM2 (outstanding) and WELL3 (Gold) certified NORD/LB
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