Investor Presentaiton
Patrick Terminals
Market Leader
Superior Operator
Automation & Technological
One of only two national container terminal operators in Australia
Market share of more than 40% with presence in all four major container ports in Australia
Superior sites with rail capability at major ports to enhance capacity and productivity
Quayside and landside performance ahead of competitors
Enabling modal shift to rail through significant investment
Global leader in container terminal technology
Automated terminal operations in Sydney and Brisbane
Long term lease arrangements:
Strategic Footprint / Long Term Port - Melbourne (East Swanson Dock): 2066
Strong Customer Relationships
Diversified Revenue / Landside
Industrial Relations
Management Team
Strong Shareholder Support
Safety Performance
- Sydney (Port Botany): 2043
- Brisbane (Fisherman Island): 2045
- Fremantle (Port of Fremantle): 2031+
Long standing history in the Australian market
Strong history of renewing customer contracts with shipping lines
Increased landside and ancillary charges in recent years to recover landside investment, leading
to a diversification of Patrick's revenue stream
Recently finalised 4-year agreement with Maritime Union of Australia to December 2025
Highly experienced and proven management and operational team
Qube and Brookfield (joint venture) – acquired Patrick in August 2016
Industry leading performance with a significant reduction in recordable injuries since acquisition
(TRIFR 31.8 in FY17 -> 7.8 in FY22)
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