Frasers Property Diversified Growth
UK portfolio metrics remain resilient despite headwinds
Strategic activities undertaken to drive leasing activity
High interest rates and softer post-pandemic office leasing demand trends continue,
exacerbated by political and economic uncertainties in the UK. Continued focus on quality
products and proactive asset management to support portfolio metrics
~41,700 sqm of commercial and business park renewals and new leases in FY23
~22,100 sqm of renewals and new leases in 4Q FY23 on the back of improving demand
Completed 'The Rowe', a ~15,000 sqm office development in Central London, in December 2022
Enhance value proposition through ongoing AEI to upgrade the portfolio
Ongoing strategic I&L development activity continues
Unlocking embedded development value of land bank across all UK business parks
- exploring opportunities for further I&L development to meet demand
Completed -27,700 sqm of prime I&L development on two assets for FLCT - Blythe Valley Park
(Connexion 2) and Worcester Six in February and March 2023, respectively
Blythe Valley Park (Connexion 2) achieved fully-let status in 3Q FY23
Worchester Six pre-let to Alliance Flooring
A prime I&L development for FLCT in Cheshire, pre-let ~62,000 sqm for a 15-year lease period to
a leading UK auto distributor, Peugeot Motor Company Plc; targeting completion by December
Macro Drivers and Industry Trends
Bank of England maintained interest rate at
5.25% in November 2023 after increasing by
total of 300 bps over the prior eleven
months, mainly over concerns of inflation4
Business confidence is improving, boosting
demand for UK office space. However
aggregate leasing activity for 2023 is
expected to be lower than 20225
Occupational fundamentals for the UK
industrial and logistics market remain
resilient despite economic headwinds5
Business Park Metrics
S$1.6 b
30 Sep 23
5.8 years
30 Jun 23
31 Mar 23
31 Dec 22
30 Sep 22
5.9 years
6.1 years
5.7 years
5.9 years
1. Comprises seven business parks in the UK in which the Group has an interest, including assets held by FLCT. 2. Actual occupancy; by NLA. 3. By income. 4. 5. uk-mid-year-market-outlook-2023-report.pdf (
We are Frasers Property
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