Investor Presentaiton
Sustainability Report
The procedures followed by the highest governance body to ensure that conflicts of interest are avoided and managed are based
on the Securities Market Law's provisions. Independent Board Members and, if applicable, their respective alternates, must be se-
lected for their experience, capacity, and professional prestige, with a focus on performing their duties free of conflicts of interest.
We strive to ensure that their personal, patrimonial, or economic interests never exceed those of the company, nor compromise it.
Under no circumstances may the following persons be appointed or serve as independent Board members:
The company's relevant executives or team members or
those of the legal entities that form part of the business group
or consortium to which the company belongs, as well as the
statutory auditors of the latter. The aforementioned limitation
shall be applicable to those individuals who have held such posi-
tions during the twelve months immediately preceding the date
of appointment.
II. Individuals who have significant influence or power of
command in the company or in any of the legal entities that
make up the business group or consortium to which the com-
pany belongs.
The shareholders that are part of the group of persons
that maintain control of the company.
Clients, service providers, suppliers, debtors, creditors,
partners, advisors, or team members of a company that is a
client, service provider, supplier, debtor, or important creditor.
A customer, service provider or supplier is important when the
sales of the company represent more than ten percent of the
total sales of the customer, service provider or supplier during
the twelve months prior to the date of appointment. Likewise, a
debtor or creditor is important when the amount of the credit
is greater than fifteen percent of the company's own assets or
those of its counterparty.
Those related by blood, affinity, or civil relationship up to
the fourth degree, as well as the spouses or common-law spou-
ses of any of the individuals referred to in items I to IV.
Although it is true that there is no prohibition against being a
Board member or member of other companies' committees, the
proper fulfillment of the Board members' or members' responsi-
bilities may require significant time, which could eventually re-
present a conflict of interest for Planigrupo's Board members.
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