Vittia Annual Report 2022
remains without a definitive outcome, there
was an implication in the supply of basic
fertilizers (with NPK), and this greatly affected
the segment of soil conditioners and
organominerals, generating strong price
volatility and a mismatch between supply and
demand in different periods of the year.
Producers, in this circumstance, began to
reduce the use of NPK, which opened the field
for new alternatives and technologies, such as
biological products, a sector in which we have
grown significantly, in line with our aim of
developing, producing, and offering technical
assistance of use for the best offer of
technologies in the field, with quality and in a
sustainable way. In the biological products
segment, we presented a representative
growth of 36.7% in 2022, compared to the
previous year.
The agricultural inputs sector in general, in
Brazil, is a market of around BRL 120 billion
and the estimate is that by 2030 it will reach
around BRL 250 billion. We are well positioned
to take advantage of this scenario's potential.
Brazil helps feed around one billion people in
the world, and the country plays a key role in
global food security.
In this context, the rural producer has an
essential function. It knows the challenges; it
has been continuously modernizing and has
been evolving together with agribusiness.
There is also a very clear perception by all that
it is necessary to preserve, protect and mitigate
impacts on nature, promoting business
sustainability. We don't need to deforest or
damage the environment. We can promote the
adoption of cultures in a sustainable and
targeted way.
For our part, we increasingly want to support
producers in this journey. Although farmers
are already familiar with biofertilizers and
inoculants, biopesticides are still new to many.
Therefore, it is necessary to build a history of
product effectiveness in the main crops. With
the increase in the experimentation of
biological products, we increased our
investment strategy in R&DI, strengthening
the dissemination of our products, services,
and solutions.
We continue to believe in the huge potential of
the biological products market, which should
grow a lot in the coming years. It is a market
that could reach 2026, for example, moving,
globally, USD 18.5 billion. We seek to provide
effective and efficient biological solutions for
rural producers, aiming at increasing quality
and productivity and contributing to
sustainable food production.
We want to be closer and closer to the
producers. We have worked hard with
development, in the agronomic and commercial
areas, in order to offer our customers excellent
products, services and solutions. There is a
clear perception that new technologies and
modern, quality inputs help to promote greater
productivity and improve competitiveness, in
addition to contributing to human health and
the environment.
We are on the right way. We have a robust
Research, Development, and Innovation area,
working on improving current technologies
and developing new technologies and solutions,
bringing modernity and sustainability to
Annual Report 2022
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