1Q 2023 Investor Presentation slide image

1Q 2023 Investor Presentation

P&L Trends Net income for 1Q 2023 grew by 18% YoY due to 21% income growth Management Commentary ■ Net income for 1Q 2023 grew 18% YoY to SAR 970mn from 21% income growth even with 18% higher operating expenses YoY. Net Income Movement YoY (SARmn) +18% ■ 1Q 2023 net income improved 13% QoQ driven by 1% increase in income and a 22% decrease in impairments. 423 825 SAR (mn) مصرف الإنماء alinma bank 5 970 (51) (116) (99) (17) 1Q 2023 4Q 2022 A% 1Q 2022 A% Net income 1Q 22 Funded income Non-funded Operating Impairments Associate & Zakat income Expenses JV Net income 1Q 23 Funded income 1,735 1,668 +4% 1,312 +32% Non-Funded income 445 480 -7% 496 -10% Total operating income 2,179 2,148 +1% 1,808 +21% Operating Income Composition (SARmn) Operating Expenses 758 750 +1% 642 +18% 2% 4% Funded income Net operating income before impairment charge 1,422 1,398 +2% 1,165 +22% 14% Impairments 343 441 -22% 243 +41% Fees from banking services Net operating income 1,079 957 +13% 922 +17% 2,179 Income before zakat & income tax 1,081 959 +13% 920 +18% Zakat 111 99 +13% 95 +18% Investment gains/dividends 80% Exchange income Net income 970 860 +13% 825 +18% 1Q 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION 23/48
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