Investor Relations Management Presentation
Article 7 Secretary to the Board is the responsible officer for investor relations
management of the Company. The Office of the Board of Directors is the functional
department in charge of investor relations management of the Company, which is
responsible for the daily affairs of investor relations management.
Article 8 The relevant staff of the Office of the Board of Directors can attend
important meetings such as corporate strategy conferences, regular operational
meetings, working capital analysis meetings, budget preparation meetings etc. of the
Company, and they may make inquiries to each relevant department and request for
relevant written materials.
Article 9 The major investor relations management functions performed by the
Office of the Board of Directors include:
1. To establish the investor relations management system. According to relevant laws
and regulations, the office is responsible for establishing investor relations
management system of the Company and regulating the Company's investor relations
2. To set the goals and plan for investor relations activities. According to the current
situation of investor relations activities and in line of the Company's business and
development plans, the Office of the Board of Directors defines the goals of the
Company's investor relations activities and set the plans for the investor relations
activities, including the formulation of such action plans as the study and analysis of
investor relations, information disclosure and communications,
arrangements, corporate presentation and cooperation with media, etc.;
3. To study and analyze the Company's investor relations. To study and analyze the
relevant policies, laws and regulations of the regulatory authorities and thoroughly
understand the spirits of such policies, laws and regulations; to conduct statistical
analysis on investors' behaviours and to have in-depth understanding of preferences of
the investing community; to study in details the trends of macro-economy and the
development of the financial sector, the changes in the government's monetary
policies and policies towards the financial sector and the changes in the development
of capital market; to participate in the formulation of corporate development strategies;
and to periodically or from time to time write reports on the Company's investor
relations for the Board's consideration in decision-making.
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