Retail Banking Performance Update slide image

Retail Banking Performance Update

Retail Banking (EUR mn) Change Change Q1'21 Q2'21 Q3'21 Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22 Q4'22/Q3'22 2021 2022 2022/2021 Net interest income 7,286 7,573 7,770 7,966 8,094 8,620 9,053 9,113 +0.7% 30,596 34,880 +14.0% Net fee income 1,721 1,768 1,754 1,801 1,816 1,975 1,967 1,891 -3.9% 7,045 7,650 +8.6% Gains (losses) on financial transactions and other 349 297 438 145 184 (55) (21) 46 1,229 154 -87.4% Total revenue 9,357 Operating expenses (4,137) Net operating income 5,220 5,409 Net loan-loss provisions (1,783) (1,724) (2,190) (4,229) (4,309) (4,429) 5,483 (1,384) 5,654 Other gains (losses) and provisions (398) (454) (442) Underlying profit before tax 3,039 3,231 3,022 9,638 9,962 9,912 10,095 10,541 10,999 11,050 (4,399) (4,626) (4,775) (4,767) 5,695 5,915 6,224 6,282 (2,111) (2,621) (2,733) (2,745) (759) (425) (456) (673) (581) 3,340 3,159 2,838 2,818 2,956 +0.5% 38,869 42,684 +9.8% -0.2% (17,103) (18,568) +8.6% +0.9% 21,766 24,116 +10.8% +0.5% (7,081) (10,210) +44.2% -13.7% (2,052) (2,135) +4.0% +4.9% 12,632 11,772 -6.8% Underlying consolidated profit 2,034 2,212 2,150 2,338 2,311 2,188 2,086 2,256 +8.2% 8,734 8,841 +1.2% Underlying attributable profit 1,728 1,848 1,822 1,991 2,055 1,936 1,899 2,055 +8.2% 7,389 7,946 +7.5% Santander 62
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