Many Traditions One Alaska - Financial Update
National Organizations
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)
Provides analysis of postsecondary education throughout the United States. All higher-education
institutions that receive Title IV funding are required to report institutional information to IPEDS,
such as graduation rates, enrollment, and employment data.
State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO)
SHEEO coordinates the annual State Higher Education Finance (SHEF) survey and Grapevine
report. SHEF is a national survey designed to compare higher education finance statistics
between states and over time. The Grapevine report analyzes annual higher education finance
trends. Their website includes a report archive and state finance profiles. Student enrollment
trends are also included in these reports.
Gordian (formerly Sightlines)
Gordian is an independent consultant that evaluates facility services for many universities
nationwide. Gordian (formerly Sightlines) has been providing UAA, UAF & UAS with facility
management services for over 15 years. Reports cover metrics such as campus density, building
age, space risk, system life cycle needs, funding and investment profiles.
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