AIG 200 Strategic Update slide image

AIG 200 Strategic Update

AIG 200: Continued execution of global, multi-year initiative to achieve transformational change and $1B of GOE savings; Achieved run rate savings of -$500M to date ($M) 1 The Standard Commercial Underwriting Platform will modernize global underwriting capabilities by simplifying processes and tools to create a contemporary data architecture General Insurance 2 Transform Japan business into a next-generation digital insurance company with the ability to offer "anywhere, anytime, any device" experience 3 Shared 4 Services 5 Information Technology 6 7 Finance 8 Procurement 9 Real Estate 10 Improve decision-making in Private Client Group through modernizing legacy technology and moving to digitized workloads Create AIG Global Operations, a multifunctional, fully integrated operating model with digitally enabled end-to-end process and increased scope and scale Transform IT operating model Build a modern, scalable and secure technology foundation to improve operational stability and enable faster business technology deployment Transform Finance operating model Modernize infrastructure through technology solutions and simplify finance and actuarial processes, while materially improving analytics capabilities Create a highly efficient global procurement and sourcing organization to leverage our purchasing power, maximize value, minimize risk, and support sustained profitable growth Optimize portfolio to ensure it is cost effective, resilient and reflective of global footprint AIG 200 Costs to Achieve and GOE Benefits Investment / Costs to Achieve 2020 Actual 1Q21 Actual Targets 2021E 2022E Total Comments Capitalized assets, not in APTI initially -$80 -$10 $200 $120 $400 Amortized depreciated in GOE / APTI when IT or capital asset placed into service1 Restructuring and Other charges, -$150 ~$50 $300 $450 $900 offset by Gain on Sale, in Net Income Total investment Modest impact to APTI; primarily related to professional, IT and other restructuring fees, offset by gain on sale on divested entities ~$230 -$60 $500 $570 $1,300 Run-rate net GOE savings, cumulative1 ~$400 ~$500 $650 $1,000 Estimated exit run-rate savings will emerge over a period of time, which began in 2020, as a result of actions taken in the AIG 200 program Annual net benefit to APTI ~$175M -$75 Estimated annual APTI benefit as a result of actions taken in the AIG 200 program AIG 1) Targets assume estimated amortization / depreciation related to the capitalized assets of $10M-$15M and -$25M-$30M for 2021 and 2022, respectively. Targets assume that the unamortized balance will be expensed at $50M per year from 2023-2027 and the remainder will trail off in the periods thereafter. 15
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