Investor Presentaiton
Debt issuance Procedure: Public issue (I)
*Authorization from the Regional Government.
+ Authorization from the Central Government.
Contact with Investors and Financial Institutions
* Continuous contact is maintained with investors and financial institutions, indicating deadlines, levels and amounts in which Comunidad de Madrid has more
•Instructions to a group of institutions that are selected taking into account those which have realized higher amounts of private placements with Comunidad de
Madrid, as well as those which have participated successfully in public issue of equivalent terms of the Treasury; FADE, ICO, FROB and even private companies. If
market conditions are good the transaction will carry out.
*Range price formation. The syndicate, in communication with Comunidad de Madrid, sets a price range to trade the issue within the agreed timeframe with
Comunidad de Madrid; the eventual commission to be received by the syndicate is discussed, and on the issue date, Comunidad de Madrid informs via email of
the roles to be played by each one of the participants of the group and seeks the approval of the syndicate.
*Onthe scheduled issue date, the transaction is announced on the trading screens of Bloomberg and Reuters in order to capture the attention of investors.
•The order book is opened.
The order book is closed.
Fixing of Issue Price
*Once the bonds have been allotted to the investors who have recorded orders in the book, a time is announced to fix the issue price; at the scheduled time, a
joint call for fixing the price is made. Once Comunidad de Madrid and all banks are connected online with the screens of Bloomberg, the transaction is priced in
accordance with the agreed terms in the Termsheet, based on the Treasury references. Fixing the issue price, coupon and IRR for the transaction. A first
simulation of the relevant calculations is made.
Documentary Process
*Sending the final Termsheet, with the terms and conditions of the transaction that has just been established, to his approval. At this stage, a distribution by type
of investor and nationality is requested. At this point, the institution that has been assigned this role, advises Bloomberg of the price, date, coupon, and ISIN
code for the transaction.
•Preparation internal report to be signed by the Managing Director of Financial Policy, Treasury and Real Estate and then sent out to our Legal Services.
•Legal Service, in accordance with the terms of the report, applies for the corresponding ISIN code to the Bank of Spain and prepares the transaction
authorization order to be signed by Regional Minister of Economy and Finance once it has been examined by the Intervención Delegada de Tesorería.
*The Orden is published in the BOCM at least two days before payment takes place, since during this period of time the Bank of Spain must be advised of the list
of subscribers and the application for the credit of securities; this Order becomes the Prospectus for the public issue. Letters are also sent to the rating agencies
in order to request an specific rating for the transaction in question, that is submited to the subscribing institution.
• At the same time, over this period, Legal Services, along with the Financial Institution, prepare the Contract which is signed the day before disbursement day
and requires a preparatory report by Legal Sercices and by the Intervención Delegada de Tesoreria. That Contract:
⚫Is a suscription contract.
*Is excluded from the scope of Law 30/2007, of 30 october, on Public Sector Contracts.
Disbursement :T+7
*Disbursement :T+7
*At this stage, the rating letters from the rating agencies are submitted to the subscribing institution.
Source: Comunidad de Madrid
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