Hardship to Transformation: A Future Proof Greenyard
Categories (assortment)/volumes
Integrated partnerships | Greenyard's important shift from opportunistic day trading to (long-term)
collaborations with different integration levels in both traditional business & partnerships
Day trading
Traditional (trading) business
Optimising the traditional day/week/season/year-trading
business through:
▸ Offering added value, niche products & additional
services to pure trading customers
▸ Embed operational excellence into the day-to-day
operations and improve efficiency of processes
▸ Enhance account management of key customers and
optimise product mix leading to improved profitability
Full-blown integrated partnerships
▸ Full integrated partnerships allow for demand-driven
value chain approach...
...as such reducing complexity and inefficiencies,
while guaranteeing optimal (and sustainable) sourcing
and quality, allowing for improved product range &
▸ ...leading to sustained margins & augmented
predictability of topline evolution
Typical contract duration: +/- 3-5 year
Fully integrated
Generating revenues through spot
buying and selling transactions
Depending on market
readiness & customer
Extensive integration with customer
on a long-term basis, optimising
supply & demand
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