Enhancement of Refining & Marketing Infrastructure slide image

Enhancement of Refining & Marketing Infrastructure

Digitally Enabled Operations Refineries Customer Touch Points HP GAS WITLAN Online Inventory Monitoring PDMS DCS Maximo Field Inputs Process History data base Logistics Vehicle tracking system Electro mechanical locking system Pipelines Pipeline Intrusion Detection system (PIDS) Pipeline Security Batch Inventory Management Scheduling by Software Reliability & Maintenance P/L Integrity Mgmt. Software (PIMS) Central Data Centre at Hyderabad . ERP system in place e-enabled business processes 450 locations connected 24x7 Operation centre 15 Supply Locations Centralized Online Logistics Terminal Automation Systems Tool SMART Terminal LPG Plants Vision Readers Online Leak Detectors Electronic Carousel (OLD/ELD) Online Indent Management System हिन्दुस्तान पेट्रोलियम HP
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