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Investor Presentaiton

TT THE INTERNATIONAL TEXAS A&M INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Texas A&M Inversity BINATIONAL CENTER RESEARCH EDUCATION LEADERSHIP PUBLIC SERVICE How safe is Mexico? Mexico has very low violent crime rates. The U.S. Assault rate is 5 times higher than Mexico's. Mexico's violent crime rates for Assault, Kidnapping and Rape are substantially lower than Canada's and yet the U.S. State Department issues no such warnings for Canada. The rate for Rape in the US. is more than double the rate in Mexico. The numbers in the charts below have been adjusted for unreported crime from the respected 2012 Prominix report and are the most accurate statistics available on this subject. Unless you are involved in the drug trade, you are statistically safer in Mexico than anywhere else in North America. Even though the US. murder rate of 4 per 100,000 is lower than Mexico's, tourists and visitors are statistically safer in Mexico and much less likely to be a victim of violent crime than in the US, Canada and many other countries regarded as safe. INTERNATIONAL LUNIVERSITY TEXAS CENTER TEXAS A&M Border Economic and Enterprise Development Assault 1200 SOUTH AFRICA Kidnapping CANADA Rape 1200 SOUTH AFRICA 712 757 CANADA 332 224 144 SOUTH AFRICA 5.55 UNITED KINGDOM MEXICO 1.69 FLEU 78 73 AUSTRALIA CANADA 30 14 13.6 SPAIN FRANCE MEXICO /global_crime_rates.html MEXICO JAPAN How Safe +16 JAPAN RANSFER 100.000. SOURCE: PROMINOX 2012 While the infamous cartel crimes in Mexico are disturbing, the rate of violent crimes in Mexico is still lower than the rates in many countries thought of as "safe" COMPARE TRAVEL DESTINATIONS DISCOVER THE INTERNATIONAL YOU!
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