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Awards & Recognitions

b. Retail & Commercial Loans Section 8: Risk Management & Asset Quality Bank has maintained High Retail asset quality GNPA of ~2% and NNPA ~1% for a decade. In Retail & Commercial Finance, We have undergone repeated stress tests over the last 10 years, but our strong and disciplined underwriting capabilities have helped us maintain NPA in the corridor of 2% and 1% consistently for a decade Stress Test 1: Economic Slowdown GNPA NNPA Stress Test 2: Demonetization Stress 3: GST Stress Test 4: IL&FS Crisis Stress Test 5: COVID-19 31-Mar-23 GNPA: 1.65% NNPA: 0.55% 4.01% 2.63% Corridor of GNPA & NNPA Levels at 2% and 1% 2.14% 2.18% 2.02% 1.91% 1.98% 1.77% 1.66% 1.90% 0.99% respectively 1.41% 1.51% 0.53% 1.32% 1.19% 1.24% 1.06% 0.25% 1.65% 1.15% 0.55% 0.08% 0.67% 0.67% 0.06% 0.00% Mar-11 Mar-12 0.38% Mar-13 Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18 Sep-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-23 Note: "Bank" and "Decade" here pertains to combined history of both Capital First and IDFC Bank. The figures till Sep-18 pertains to the retail portfolio at Capital First Limited. 42 IDFC FIRST Bank
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