Investor Presentaiton
This document has been drafted for information purposes and for the use of BBVA México, S.A., Institución de Banca Múltiple, Grupo Financiero BBVA Bancomer (BBVA Mexico) investors to
whom it is addressed, in order to facilitate their understanding of certain information regarding BBVA Mexico, and only refers to the businesses of BBVA in Mexico. For detailed financial
information about BBVA Mexico please visit the Bank's website
The information contained herein (hereinafter "Information") shall not be deemed to be considered in any case as financial advice, investment advice, tax/legal advice or otherwise nor an
offer to sell or a solicitation to acquire or dispose of an interest in securities, nor a recommendation to buy or sell securities or enter into any transaction nor should it be relied upon to make
any sort of Decision in any direction. BBVA Mexico does not assume any obligation whatsoever to communicate any changes to this document or to update its contents.
BBVA Mexico has obtained the information included in this document from sources considered to be reliable. However, notwithstanding the fact that reasonable measures were taken to
assure that the Information contained herein is not mistaken or misleading, BBVA Mexico does not represent or warrant, either express or implicit, its accuracy, integrity or correctness.
Investors or potential investors who have access to this document should be aware that the securities, instruments or investments to which it may refer may not be appropriate for them due
to their specific investment goals, financial positions or risk profiles, as these have not been taken into account to prepare this report. Therefore, investors should make their own investment
Decisions considering said circumstances and obtaining such specialized advice as may be necessary.
BBVA Mexico accepts no liability of any type for any losses arising from the use of this report or its contents. In no case BBVA Mexico, its branches, and/or its directors, officers, employees and
authorised personnel shall be held responsible for any damage, losses, claims, or any sort of expenses that could result from the use of this document or from its contents.
The Information must be treated as confidential and no part of this document may be (i) copied, photocopied or duplicated by any other form or means (ii) redistributed (iii) quoted or (iv)
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integrity. All the data contained in this document is set forth as an example and is due to change."
This document is the property of BBVA Mexico. Any denominations, designs, and logos are registered trademarks of BBVA Mexico.
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