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Investor Presentaiton

REGULATORY CAPITAL CAPITAL UPDATE • Level 2 CET1 ratio of 12.3% and 18.3% on an Internationally Comparable basis¹, which is well in excess of 'Unquestionably Strong' benchmark² 。 Total credit impacts of +14bps primarily from benefits of negative CRWA migration (reduction in RWA) in Australia Retail & Commercial and NZ Divisions 。 Higher business RWA movement in part driven by IRRBB. This reflects lower embedded gains from maturing capital & replicating portfolio investments and higher interest rates, as well as management actions such as the investment of replicating deposit growth o Completed ~$0.7b of $1.5b announced on-market share buy-back • APRA Level 1 CET1 ratio of 12.0%. Level 1 primarily comprises ANZ BGL (the Parent including offshore branches) but excludes offshore banking subsidiaries³ • Leverage ratio of 5.5% (or 6.1% on an Internationally Comparable basis) Dividend • Final Dividend of 72 cents fully franked, representing 61% DPOR on a 2H21 Cash continuing ex Large / Notable basis in line with ANZ long term sustainable DPOR • The DRP to be neutralised by acquiring these shares on market Regulatory Update • Industry (via ABA) feedback to APRA on their capital reform proposals provided. Final impacts to be determined. Further calibration of the proposals is expected APRA LEVEL 2 COMMON EQUITY TIER 1 RATIO (CET1) % 0.11 0.80 0.01 0.02 12.44 Total impact of +14bps Mar-21 Cash Profit (ex CIC)4 CIC (net of tax) -0.17 -0.06 -0.48 12.34 -0.17 -0.03 -0.13 Net DTA Risk Business Capital Interim Share Large/ Other7 Sep-218 on CIC Migration RWA Deduc Dividend Buy- Notable Movement tions5 Backs6 items 1. Internationally Comparable methodology aligns with APRA's information paper entitled International Capital Comparison Study (13 July 2015). Basel III Internationally Comparable ratios do not include an estimate of the Basel I capital floor 2. Based on APRA information paper "Strengthening banking system resilience - establishing unquestionably strong capital ratios" released in July 2017. 3. Refer to ANZ Basel III APS330 Pillar 3 disclosures 4. Excludes Large / Notable items 5. Mainly comprises the movement in retained earnings in deconsolidated entities, other equity investments and capitalised expenses 6. A total of $709m of the announced $1.5b share buy-back executed (of which $55m settled after 30 September 2021) 7. Other impacts include movements in non-cash earnings, net foreign currency translation, deferred tax asset deduction and movement in reserves 8. On 17 June 2021 a regulatory event occurred on the NZD500m Capital Notes, and consequently can be redeemed subject to regulatory approvals. The impact has been removed from the pro forma CET1 ANZ 78
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