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Investor Presentaiton

46 Management Discussion and Analysis 2013 Annual Report / Fibra Inn 2013 Annual Report / Fibra Inn 47 During 2013, the deceleration of the Mexican economy was evident as of the second half of the year. The same-store-sales indicator of the National Association of Supermarkets and Department Stores ("ANTAD") practically had no change, at a 0.1% growth. The key factors that affected consumption were: Lower public expense over the year, because the Federal Government had delayed the bud- get allocation. The low security in certain areas of the country affected consumer habits, reducing the ave- rage ticket price. • Finally, the natural disasters that occurred during September 2013. Hotel Indicators by Region Same Store Sales - 18 Hotels REGION North 2012 2013 Occupancy ADR RevPAR Occupancy ADR RevPAR 64% 851 542 63% 894 563 Northeast 61% 927 564 63% 956 606 Center & South 58% 1004 581 60% 996 600 West TOTAL 67% 1105 744 65% 1123 732 60% 971 583 62% 983 608 However, Fibra Inn showed outstanding results for its 18 hotels portfolio; which translates into a same-store-sales-growth in RevPAR, up 4.3% in 2013, reaching Ps. 608. This was the result of a 2 percent growth in the occupancy rate, which was of 62%, and a growth of 1.2% in the average rate for 2014, which was Ps. 983. Hotel Indicators Same Store Sales Occupancy Average Daily Rate RevPAR - 18 Hotels Hotel Indicators by Segment The hotel revenue was Ps. 484.3 million, corresponding to the 18 hotels in operation, of which, Ps. 427.5 million was lodging income, representing 88.3% of the total hotel revenue, and Ps. 56.8 million from other hotel revenue, which represented 11.7%. On the other hand, Fibra Inn's Total Revenue in the year 2013 was Ps. 202.9 million, of which 70.8% came from select service hotels, 26.6% from full service hotels, and 2.5% from limited service hotels. This total revenue is comprised as follows: Hotel Operation Indicators 2012 2013 Variation 60% 62% 971 983 2 p.p 1.2% • 583 608 4.3% Same Store Sales - 18 Hotels 2012 2013 SEGMENT Occupancy ADR RevPAR Occupancy ADR RevPAR Budget 54% 640 344 79% 649 512 Selected Service 56% 965 541 60% 974 585 Full Service 69% 1010 694 64% 1042 666 • TOTAL 60% 971 583 62% 983 608 • Ps. 166.9 million is income from the lease of 18 properties at hand as of the end of 2013. • Ps. 8.7 million is from Lodging Income, derived from the changes to hotel revenue structure, applied between December 26 and 31, 2013. Ps. 27.2 million derived from Other income corresponding to Real Estate Service invoiced to the hotel tenants by the management subsidiary under the previous revenue Structure ("Ad- ministradora de Activos, Fibra Inn, S.C." or "La Administradora"), which is a civil corporation and Fibra Inn Subsidiary. The total operation expenses in 2013 were Ps. 25.3 million, of which: • Ps. 18.6 million was for services from the subsidiary, or The Administrator, for payroll of hotel management and maintenance personnel. Ps. 3.6 million was for operating expenses for the last 6 days of the year, when the new reve- nue structure came into effect. Ps. 1.2 million in insurance and Ps. 1.9 million in property taxes on the properties acquired over the quarter.
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