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Investor Presentaiton

HKAS 1.51(a) HKAS 1.49 HK Listco Ltd Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 HKFRS 7.34 & 35 The carrying amount of the loan at 31 December 2023 was $13,950,000 (2022: $14,400,000). A foreign exchange gain of $494,000 (2022: loss of $219,000) was recognised in the group's other comprehensive income for the period on translation of the loan to Hong Kong dollars. (iv) Exposure to currency risk 280 The following table details the group's exposure at the end of the reporting period to currency risk arising from recognised assets or liabilities denominated in a currency other than the functional currency of the entity to which they relate. For presentation purposes, the amounts of the exposure are shown in Hong Kong dollars, translated using the spot rate at the year end date. Differences resulting from the translation of the financial statements of foreign operations into the group's presentation currency and the exposure arising from the secured bank loan that is designated as a hedge of the group's net investment in its subsidiary in Singapore (see (iii) above) are excluded. Exposure to foreign currencies (expressed in Hong Kong dollars) HKFRS 7.34 & 35 280 HKFRS 7.B23 HKAS 21.45 281 2023 2022 United States Australian United States Australian Dollars Euros $'000 $'000 Japanese Yen $'000 Dollars Dollars $'000 $'000 Euros $'000 Japanese Yen Dollars $'000 $'000 Trade and other receivables Intercompany receivables 281 11,144 6,831 8,648 3,762 1,935 1,143 Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other payables 15,628 (27,741) 13,440 (10,540) 21,436 (20,362) 10,675 (15,250) Gross exposure arising from recognised assets and liabilities 13,079 6,831 (12,113) 2,900 9,791 3,762 1,074 (4,575) Notional amounts of forward exchange contracts used as economic hedges Net exposure arising from recognised assets and liabilities (5,500) 10,714 (4,400) 13,079 1,331 (1,399) 2,900 9,791 (638) 1,074 (4,575) Other than the requirements for sensitivity analyses for market risk (see footnote 278), HKFRS 7 does not specify the minimum information required to be disclosed in respect of an entity's exposure to currency risk. The currency risk table illustrated above provides an example of summary quantitative data about the exposure to that risk at the end of the reporting period that an entity may provide internally to key management personnel. In this connection, it should be noted that for the purposes of HKFRS 7 currency risk arises on financial instruments that are denominated in a foreign currency (i.e. are denominated in a currency other than the functional currency in which they are measured). However, currency risk does not arise from non-monetary items or from financial instruments denominated in the functional currency of the entity to which they relate. For the purposes of disclosure under HKFRS 7, currency risk for the group arises if, for example, a subsidiary with a functional currency RMB lends in US dollars, even if the group presentation currency is also US dollars. Currency risk does not arise if that same subsidiary lends instead in RMB. This applies whether or not the counterparty to the borrowing is a third party or another entity within the group. This is because, although intra-group balances are eliminated on consolidation, any related foreign exchange gains or losses will not be eliminated. It follows that the information about exposure to currency risk at each group company level needs to be collated when different companies within the group have different functional currencies. Each group company needs to assess its own exposure to currencies other than its own functional currency, with the group's exposure to currency risk disclosed under HKFRS 7 being an aggregation of this information. 182 © 2023 KPMG, a Hong Kong partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited ("KPMG International"), a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.
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