Global Wealth & Insurance and Banking Performance Review slide image

Global Wealth & Insurance and Banking Performance Review

Global Wealth & Insurance 1 Net Income ($MM) 327 " 310 310 285 302 Q1/13 Q2/13 Q3/13 Q4/13 Q1/14 AUM ($B) AUA ($B) 153 326 338 145 304 313 311 131 135 135 Q1/13 Q2/13 Q3/13 Q4/13 Q1/14 Q1/13 Q2/13 Q3/13 Q4/13 Q1/14 (1) Attributable to equity holders of the Bank 11 Highlights 1 Very good quarter, net income up 15% Y/Y Strong broad-based results Recent acquisitions Double-digit AUM & AUA growth Y/Y New client acquisitions Improved market conditions Acquisition of AFP Horizonte in Peru ■ Positive operating leverage of 0.4% Y/Y Global Banking & Markets 1 Net Income ($MM) 388 378 352 337 339 Very good results across all businesses Scotiabank Highlights ■ Net income down 13% Y/Y Continuing market challenges in certain capital market businesses & U.S. lending Higher investment banking fees Results stable Q/Q ■ Modest loan growth of 2% Y/Y ■ NIM up 4 bps Q/Q ■ Credit performance remains strong Expenses up 12% Y/Y Higher remuneration, technology and support costs Q1/13 Q2/13 Q3/13 Average Loans² ($B) Q4/13 Q1/14 Net Interest Margin³ (%) 2.46 39 40 40 2.36 2.39 39 38 2.10 2.14 - Q1/13 Q2/13 Q3/13 Q4/13 Q1/14 Q1/13 Q2/13 Q3/13 Q4/13 Q1/14 (1) Attributable to equity holders of the Bank (2) Average Business & Government Loans & Acceptances (3) Global Corporate & Investment Banking only 12 Strong corporate & investment banking results partly offsetting weaker capital markets Scotiabank 60
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