Sustainable Value Creation and Industrial Growth slide image

Sustainable Value Creation and Industrial Growth

Corporate governance Long-term variable remuneration1 Objective TSR2 ROACE4 CO2 emissions reduction Entry (50%) Target (100%) Over I (150%) Over II (280%) 5 Enel's TSR Enel's TSR from 90% to from 100% 50%3 100% of TSR Index to 110% of TSR Index Enel's TSR from 110% to 115% of TSR Index Enel's TSR > 115% of TSR Index enel Type of target Macro objective Market Performance 36.4% 37.5% 38.0% >38.6% Financial Profitability 40%3 10%³ ≤ 380 gCO2/KWheq6 ≤ 350 gCO2/KWheq6 ≤ 340 gCO2/KWheq6 ≤ 330 gCO2/KWheq6 ESG Environmental 1. 2. Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTI) 2018-2020. 30% payment (if any) in the 4th year. 70% payment (if any) in the 5th year (deferred payment) Average TSR Enel compared to average TSR EUROSTOXX Utilities Index-EMU. In case of negative absolute TSR of Enel, the incentive (if any) is reduced - on the basis of a regressive scale of the same negative percentage of the absolute TSR of Enel share, multiplied for a constant value equal to 1.5 3. (%) Weight in the variable remuneration 4. Cumulative for the period 2018-2020 5. For the CEO/General manager. 180% for the other beneficiaries of the LTI Plan 2018-2020 6. In 2020 129
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