BGEO Group Financial Update slide image

BGEO Group Financial Update

Express Banking | Capturing Emerging Mass Market Customers No. of transitions '000s Express Pay terminals 18,247 Express branches 15,457 11,645 32,054 57% 13,314 ATMs 10,871 51% 8,805 82,949 70,767 14,740 ■9M15 POS terminals 10,708 x3 4,939 ■9M14 17,902 DANK OF BO EXPREAD Express cards x4 13,256 4,734 3,260 Internet banking 3,189 2,135 1.178 Mobile banking 690 195 Holding company of BANK OF GEORGIA BGEO GROUP November 2015 Tellers 53% x6 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 13,765,943 11,884,396 +10% 12,566,547 90,000 ■9M13 x3 page 73
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