Debt Investor Presentation November 2019
Legislation passed in November 2018
87% of population where fibre will be available by end of 2022
Fibre access network
Regulated asset base (RAB) with revenue cap to be
determined by Commerce Commission
Price caps on contracted fibre products with annual
inflation adjustment, until 2022. Price caps then
only apply to fibre voice service, a fibre broadband
service and direct fibre
Copper - where fibre is available:
Copper network to be deregulated and
Telecommunications Service Obligation (TSO)
Chorus can withdraw copper service subject to
minimum consumer protection requirements being
developed by the Commission and due by mid-2020
Remaining 13% of population
Copper - where fibre is not available:
Copper remains regulated and TSO applies
Copper pricing capped at 2019 levels with CPI
Commission required to review pricing framework
no later than 2025
Unbundled fibre (commercial price) to be available
in UFB1 areas from 2020 and UFB2 areas from 2026
Three years after new regime commences, the
Commission can review the revenue cap model and
anchor products, subject to specified conditions and
statutory criteria
November 2019
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