Investor Presentaiton
Principle 1
Principle 2
Principles for Responsible Banking continued
Reporting and self-assessment requirements
Principle 3
Principle 4
Principle 5
Principle 6
High-level summary of bank's response
(limited assurance required for responses to highlighted items)
Links to bank's full response/
relevant information
Principle 6: Transparency & Accountability
We will periodically review our individual and collective implementation of these Principles and be transparent about and accountable for our positive and negative impacts and our contribution to society's goals.
6.1 Progress on Implementing the Principles
Show that your bank has progressed on implementing
the six Principles over the last 12 months (up to 18
months in your first reporting after becoming a
signatory) in addition to the setting and implementation
of targets in minimum two areas (see 2.1-2.4).
Show that your bank has considered existing and
emerging international/regional good practices relevant
for the implementation of the six Principles for
Responsible Banking. Based on this, it has defined
priorities and ambitions to align with good practice.
Show that your bank has implemented/is working on
implementing changes in existing practices to reflect
and be in line with existing and emerging international/
regional good practices and has made progress on its
implementation of these Principles.
The Barclays Annual Report suite and additional ESG disclosures on our ESG resource hub provide an update on 2021 activities,
including our progress on implementing the PRB, our impact assessment, target setting and updates on individual ESG topics.
Our ESG disclosures are made with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and the Sustainability Accounting
Standards Board (SASB) framework.
Our Climate-related Financial Disclosures are consistent with the four recommendations and the eleven recommended disclosures
set out in the June 2017 report entitled 'Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In line
with the current UK Listing Rules (Listing Rules) requirements, our TCFD-aligned disclosures take into account the implementation
recommendations in the 2017 TCFD Annex. In addition, we have considered the 2021 TCFD Annex and applied it where possible.
Some recommendations in the 2021 TCFD Annex will require more time for us to fully consider. We will be working to implement the
rest of the 2021 TCFD Annex recommendations over the course of 2022 and intend to apply these more fully in our next TCFD
Throughout this document, we have set out the work we are undertaking in relation to impact assessment and the development
of tools, methodologies and new products and services to drive forward our implementation the PRB.
Please provide your bank's conclusion/statement if it has fulfilled the requirements regarding Progress on Implementing the Principles for Responsible Banking.
Barclays PLC Annual Report suite
Barclays PLC Strategic Report 2021
Barclays PLC Annual Report 2021
Barclays PLC Pillar 3 Report 2021
Barclays PLC Climate-related
Financial Disclosures 2021
Barclays ESG resource hub
■GRI Content Index
We have provided a comprehensive summary demonstrating our progress on implementing the PRB. We continue to collaborate with UNEP FI, peers and other stakeholders to explore and implement best practices which support
the implementation of the Principles.
Annex: Definitions
a) Impact: An impact is commonly understood as being a change in outcome for a stakeholder. In the context of these Principles this means (aligned with GRI definition) the effect a bank has on people/the society, the economy
and the environment and with that on sustainable development. Impacts may be positive or negative, direct or indirect, actual or potential, intended or unintended, short-term or long-term.
b) Significant Impact: Impact that in terms of scale and/or intensity/salience results in a particularly strong/relevant change in outcome for a stakeholder. In the context of these Principles, the concept of significant impact is used
to ensure banks focus where their actions/business (can) matter most for people, economy and environment and to provide a reasonable and practical threshold for what issues need to be considered/included, similar to the
concept of 'materiality'.
Barclays PLC
PRB Reporting and self-assessment 2021View entire presentation