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Investor Presentaiton

2021 Budget Financing 2020 2021 (in IDR tn) Pres. Decree APBN Growth 72/2020 A. State Revenue I. Domestic Revenue 1,699.9 1,743.6 2.6% 1,698.6 1.742.7 2.6% 1. Tax Revenue 1,404.5 1.444.5 2.8% 2. Non-Tax Revenue 294.1 298.2 1.4% II. Grant 1.3 0.9 -30.8% B. State Expenditure 2.739.2 2,750.0 0.4% 1. Central Government Expenditure 1,975.2 1.954.5 -1.0% 1. Line Ministries 836.4 1,032.0 23.4% 2. Non Line Ministries 1,138.9 922.6 -19.0% II. Regional Transfer and Village Fund 763.9 795.5 4.1% 1. Regional Transfer 692.7 723.5 4.4% 2. Village Fund 71.2 72.0 1.1% C. Primary Balance D. Surplus/(Deficit) (700.4) (633.1) -9.6% (1,039.2) (1,006.4) -3.2% % to GDP (6.3) (5.7) E. Financing 1,039.2 1,006.4 -3.2% Source: Ministry of Finance () io Priorities in 2021 Health (IDR169.7 tn) Accelerating health recovery, National Health Insurance (JKN) reforms, and vaccine procurement Education (IDR550.0 tn) Strengthening the quality of education and teacher competences Social Protection (IDR421.7 tn) Supporting social protection reform and comprehensive social protection Infrastructure (IDR413.8 tn) $ Provision of infrastructure for basic services, improving connectivity, and supporting economic recovery, and continuing pending priority programs Food Security (IDR104.2 tn) Increase food production and revitalizing the national food system and developing Food Estate Tourism (IDR15.7 tn) Encouraging the recovery of the tourism sector ICT (IDR29.6 tn) Optimizing the use of ICT to support and improve the quality of public services 81
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