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Getinge 2022 Annual Report

Getinge 2022 Annual Report NOTE 23 Contract liabilities Introduction Strategy Corporate Governance Annual Report Sustainability Report Other information Contents NOTE 24 Provisions for pensions and similar obligations SEK M Advances from customers Service Other Total 2022 2021 1,279 793 772 613 285 2,336 227 1,633 Contract liabilities refers to advances from customers, deferred income relating to service and other. Contract liabilities in the form of deferred income and advances from customers in the begin- ning of the year were essentially recognized in income during the financial year. Defined-contribution plans In several countries, the Group's employees are covered by defined-contribution pension plans. The pension plans are primarily retirement pensions. The premiums are paid continuously throughout the year by each Group company to separate legal entities, such as insurance companies. The size of the premium paid by the employees and Group companies is normally based on a set proportion of the employee's salary and in certain cases the employees pay for a portion of the premiums themselves. The expense for defined-contribution plans amounted to SEK 357 M (357) during 2022. Defined-benefit plans Getinge has large defined-benefit pension plans in Sweden, Germany and the US. The pension plans primarily comprise retire- ment pensions. Each employer normally has an obligation to pay a lifelong pension. The pension is earned according to the number of employment years and the employee must be affiliated with the plan for a certain number of years to achieve full retirement pension entitlement. Pension commitments are calculated based on actuarial assumptions and gains and losses of changed actuarial assumptions are recognized as part of comprehensive income. Sweden Most of the Group's defined-benefit pension commitments in Sweden are so called PRI liabilities. These plans are closed for new employees but remain open for the employees encompassed by the plans. The commitments pertain to lifelong retirement pensions and the benefits are primarily based on the employees' final salary. The pension commitments were calculated at a discount rate based on the return on the market rate of Swedish mortgage bonds. These bonds are deemed to be of high quality since they are guaranteed by assets and the mortgage bond market in Sweden is considered to be deep and liquid. The terms of the bonds correspond to the average term of the commitments, which is 21 years. At year-end, the amount of the Group's defined-benefit pension commitments in Sweden totaled SEK 449 M (627). The Swedish pension commitments decreased year-on-year mainly due to a higher discount rate. Plan assets exist to only a minor extent and are attributable to a small plan that is not credit insured. Germany Some employees in Germany are part of defined-benefit pension plans. These plans are closed for new employees but remain open for the employees encompassed by the plan. The benefits are based on the employees' final salary and the remaining weighted average term of the total commitment is 13 years. The pension plans are insured in accordance with statutory requirements. Total defined-benefit pension commitments decreased to SEK 1,785 M (2,404) during the year. The decrease was mainly due to higher discount rate assumptions partly offset by currency rate fluctuation. The discount rate is based on high-quality corporate bonds with a term corresponding to the average remaining term of the commitment. USA The Group's defined-benefit pension commitment in the US is closed for new employees and also to the employees encompassed by the plan, meaning that no new pension rights are vested. The commitment's remaining average term is 11 years. The total defined-benefit commitment decreased to SEK 1,080 M (1,230), mainly due higher discount rate offset by currency rate fluctuation. The value of the plan assets decreased from SEK 802 M to SEK 800 M, mainly due to the current year negative return on plan assets, offset primarily by currency rate change. Both the defined-benefit commitment and the return on the plan assets were calculated using a discount rate based on high-quality corporate bonds with a term corresponding to the average remaining term of the commitment. 100
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