Investor Presentaiton
Siviour: Among the World's Lowest Cost Sources of Battery Anode Material
Renascor is developing a vertically integrated Battery Anode Material Manufacturing
Operation in South Australia¹ including:
a A$118m Siviour Graphite Mine and Concentrator located on the Eyre
Peninsula, 15 km west of Arno Bay; and
a A$90m Purified Spherical Graphite ("PSG") Manufacturing Facility nominally
located in Port Adelaide.
Renascor's Siviour Graphite Deposit is the world's second largest Proven Reserve of
Graphite and the largest Graphite Reserve outside of Africa (3.8Mt of Contained
Graphite Reserves)².
The favourable geology and location of the Siviour Graphite Deposit will allow
Renascor to produce Graphite Concentrate at globally low-cost.
Renascor has developed a proven eco-friendly, HF-free purification process endorsed
by leading global anode companies.
Low-cost Graphite Concentrate feedstock enables the eco-friendly 28ktpa PSG
manufacturing facility to be:
amongst the lowest cost in the world, competitive with current Chinese
production and advantaged over other developments outside of China; and
shipped directly to lithium-ion battery anode manufacturers over a project life
of 40 years.
1. Financing and production targets sourced to ASX 1 July 2020 "Renascor Announces Battery Anode Manufacturing Operation", 2. See Slide 25 for Reserve category breakdown
Renascor Resources Ltd | ASX: RNU
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