2021-2023 Sustainability Plan and Financial Performance slide image

2021-2023 Sustainability Plan and Financial Performance

Profit & loss (€mn) enel FY 2020 FY 2019 ▲ yoy Ordinary EBITDA 17,940 17,905 -% D&A (6,656) (6,809) -2% EBIT 11,284 11,096 +2% Financial expenses¹ (2,197) (2,413) -9% Results from equity investments 134 (88) n.m. EBT 9,221 8,595 +7% Income taxes (2,541) (1,960) +30% -2 Minorities Group net ordinary income² 1. Includes other financial expenses (-20 €mn in FY 2020, -158 €mn in FY 2019) 2. Excludes extraordinary items: FY2019 (-2,593 €mn: +97 €mn disposal Mercure plant, +49 €mn second tranche earn out Rete Gas, -1,412 €mn coal impairments and other Italy, -108 €mn impairment USA, -902 €mn coal impairments Iberia, -151 €mn coal impairments Chile, -60 €mn impairment RGRES, -34 €mn Slovenske investment impairment and -72 €mn other); FY2020 (-2,587 €mn: -720 €mn Italy due to asset impairments and devaluation of SVK credit, -424 mn JTF mainly in Iberia and italy, -433 115 Єmn Slovenske investment impairment, -86 €mn donations and other cost due to COVID-19, -164 €mn impairment Argentina, -351 €mn impairment Mexico, -338 €mn impairment coal Chile, -66 €mn other impairments GPG, -6 €mn write-down of Funac in Brazil) (1,483) (1,868) -21% 5,197 4,767 +9%
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