Investor Presentaiton
Hong Kong Investor ID Regime
Amendment of BCANS
No prior approval for a BCAN change will be required
Hong Kong Investor ID Regime
Amendment process will differ depending on the stage at which BCAN is to be amended:
For on-exchange (i.e. automated) trades:
Before an order is matched and executed: Cancel the order and re-input the order with
the correct BCAN, in which case the order has to line up afresh
After an order is matched and executed: Submit an error notification to the SEHK as
soon as possible
• For manual trades:
Submit an error notification to the SEHK as soon as possible
Trade Give-Up: appears it is necessary to submit an "error notification", which is misleading
Executed orders will not be cancelled or become invalid due to BCAN amendment
SEHK will make forms available for filing a post-trade error correction of BCAN and provide
further guidance in the HKEX Information PaperView entire presentation