E-MOTION Market Opportunity
Surging US market growth
to US$17B in 2025
As of 2018, according to NMMA, the US domestic outboard engine
market size alone was valued at US$2.9B and is expected to grow to
US$17B by 2025. The global marine outboard engine market is
forecasted to post a CAGR of 7.3% by 2025.
Marine Technologies
Worldwide Recreational Boating
Market size is set to surpass USD $63
billion by 2026, according to a new
research report by Global Market
Insights, Inc.
Advancements in Battery
Technologies Fuels Growth
Significant and ongoing advancement in battery technology that offers
far greater range and significantly higher speed is driving the demand
for the electric boat market worldwide. Advantages offered by Vision
Marine Technologies TM, such as performance, range, noiseless,
smokeless, less vibration and less engine maintenance than the
traditional ICEs, are fueling growth.
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