Investor Presentaiton
Navarra is a sustainable region
Second-Party Opinion
Navarra Sustainable Finance
Government of Navarra
Evaluation Summary
Sustainalytics is of the opinion that the Navarra Sustainable Finance Framework is
credible and impactful, and aligns with the Sustainability Bond Guidelines 2018. This
assessment is based on the following:
USE OF PROCEEDS The eligible categories for the use of proceeds are
aligned with those recognized by both the Green Bond Principles and
Social Bond Principles. Sustainalytics considers that projects within
the four specified social areas and the eight specified environmental
areas to have positive environmental or social impacts and to
advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
PROJECT EVALUTION / SELECTION Navarra has established an
Interdepartmental Commission, consisting of representatives from
all government departments, to select eligible sections of the General
Budget for financing under the Framework. Sustainalytics considers
this to be in line with market practice.
MANAGEMENT OF PROCEEDS Navarra will use its internal systems to
track the proceeds, and intends to allocate funds from each
sustainable finance instrument to budgetary programmes within the
same fiscal year. Pending allocation, funds will be temporarily
invested in any form of cash, liquidity position or time deposits within
banks or other forms of available short-term liquid investments.
Sustainalytics is of the opinion that this process is in accordance with
market practice.
REPORTING The government of Navarra commits to providing
allocation and impact reporting to investors within one year from the
date of any Sustainable Finance instrument and, afterwards, annually
until the net proceeds have been fully allocated. Allocation reporting
will be provided at the category level, while impact reporting will
include quantitative and qualitative outcomes of financed projects.
Sustainalytics is of the opinion that this process is in accordance with
market practice.
Evaluation date
Issuer Location
April 12, 2019
Pamplona, Spain
Report Sections
Sustainalytics Opinion.
For inquiries, contact the Sustainable
Finance Solutions project team:
Joshua Zakkai (Amsterdam)
Project Manager
[email protected]
(+31) 20 205 00 79
Zach Margolis (Toronto)
Project Lead
[email protected]
(+1) 647 695 4341
Jean-Claude Berthelot (Amsterdam)
Client Relations
[email protected]
(+31) 20 205 00 15
Navarra has hired Sustainalytics to provide a Second Party Opinion on Navarra
Sustainable Finance Framework. Sustainalytics has reviewed the Sustainable
Finance Framework and its alignment with the four pillars of the Green Bond
Principles, Social Bond Principles, the Sustainability Bond Guidelines 2018 and
the Green Loan Principles.
The Second Party Opinion, as well as the Sustainable Finance Framework
hereof, will be published and will make available for market information on the
website of Navarra.
Nafarroako Gobernua
Gobierno de NavarraView entire presentation