2013 Annual Report
Policies and Commitments
The guidelines on this issue are included in the Code
of Ethics and the policies for the Santander Reporting
Channel; Human Rights; Global Policy on Gender
Equality; and Diversity.
Monitoring Reports involving employees are concluded
within 45 days. Monitoring and controlling the cases
under analysis is the responsibility of the Compliance
Office, which receives details of the facts ascertained
by the areas involved in the solution or investigation,
and monitors cases until they are effectively resolved.
The findings, measures taken and resolutions are
submitted to the Committee of Internal Occurrences
on a monthly basis. The indicators of the Santander
Reporting Channel are reported to the Executive
Committee on a regular basis for the purposes of
monitoring and targeting specific action.
Remediation - Once the case reported to the Santander
Reporting Channel has been ascertained, the appropriate
disciplinary measures or sanctions are applied. Cases
admitted will result in the implementation of corrective and
accountability measures that range from the enforcement
of administrative measures such as a warning, transfer of
function or workplace, to dismissal or legal proceedings,
on a case by case basis.
Indicators Consolidation
Number of grievances about labor practices filed,
addressed and resolved by means of formal
grievance mechanisms G4-LA16
There were no labor-related complaints involving
suppliers in 2013, while one labor-related complaint
was registered involving employees. The complaint
was not admitted and has been concluded.
With regard to complaints filed in previous years,
no labor-related claims involving suppliers or employees
were dealt with in 2013.
Number of grievances about human rights impacts
filed, addressed, and resolved through formal
grievance mechanism G4-HR12
Resolved in 2013, filed in 2012
There were no human rights-related incidents involving
complaints from suppliers in 2013.
The item Product Portfolio is important to us at Santander because its
management enables the Bank to reduce risks and enhance the social and
environmental impacts of its business activities. Moreover, this is a major topic
within the sector; it represents a future challenge; and is related to important
regulations and laws.
Impacts - the effective management of the product portfolio generates gains such
as the development of more competitive and efficient products, which promote
good practices for businesses and proper financial management for households;
and a reduction in the risk involving joint liability for the social/environmental
problems of clients or funded projects; while on the other hand, the incorrect
management of the product portfolio increases risks (financial and joint liability
risks), reduces the Bank's competitiveness and may generate undesirable
side-effects for clients, such as overindebtedness.
Policies G4-FS1
The Bank has three policies in place geared to sustainability which govern the
product portfolio and business activities: the Social and Environmental Risk Policy
(RSA), the Environmental Policy and the Microcredit Policy.
Social and Environmental Risk: The Social and Environmental Risk analysis
aims to both detect and minimize social/environmental risks involving clients
or projects funded by loans. As a means of promoting positive impacts and
minimizing negative impacts, Santander monitors analyses; provides the business
and credit analysis teams with regular training in social/environmental risk;
includes social and environmental variables in the scope of the analysis for the
acceptance of new clients and participates in forums in order to become
acquainted with and influence decisions being made in relation to the subject.
The policy is available on the intranet standards website and on the Internet,
in an abridged version, at http://sustentabilidade.santander.com.br/oquefazemos/
Environmental Policy: The purpose of this policy is to establish the rules for
the prevention and management of the direct and indirect environmental
impacts generated by the Bank's business, in addition to the opportunities in
relation to the environmental issues within the Organization's scope of influence.
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