Arla Foods Annual Report 2020 slide image

Arla Foods Annual Report 2020

Management Review Our Strategy Our Brands and Commercial Segments Our Responsibility Our Governance Our Performance Review Our Consolidated Financial Statements Our Consolidated Environmental, Social and Governance Data Environmental figures 1.1 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS (CO2E) ♫ Uncertainties and estimates In 2020, 93 per cent of Arla's active farmer owners, covering over 96 per cent of Arla's owner milk volume, completed a detailed climate questionnaire (farmers receive an incentive of 1.0 EUR-cent/kg of milk to complete the survey). The external validation of the survey data was slightly delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and covered 59 per cent of the farmer owners who submitted their Climate Check data. From 2020 onwards, farmers will complete the Climate Check once a year based on data from their most recently financial year. This could vary from farm to farm, as some have financial years running from January to December, while others run from July to June. Therefore the figures presented in the Annual Report are not necessarily based on farm data covering the same period. The methodology used to measure emissions on farm is developing over time. Currently, factors that potentially lower total net emissions, such as carbon sequestration on farm and change in land use, are not included. Significant changes in methodology will also be reflected in the restatement of the baseline. The emission factor related to externally purchased whey was unchanged at 1.0, a conservative estimate (Flysjö, 2012). Other uncertainty relates to data collection regarding packaging and transport from our suppliers. Each year, Arla sends its suppliers detailed requests to provide the necessary data, accompanied by a manual on how to complete the related documentation. Manual data entries from different sources are clear risks to data quality. To minimise the risk of reporting errors, a rigorous two-step internal validation process is in place. ESG Table 1.2 Energy purchased for production (Thousand MWh) 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 Non renewable sources: Natural gas, fuel oil and gas oil Electricity District heating Renewable sources: Biogas and biomass District heating Electricity Total actual consumption Renewable energy share, market-based* Renenewable energy share, location-based 1,816 626 5 559 119 432 3,557 31% 35% 33% 27% 24% 21% * In 2020, Arla switched to market-based accounting and the 2020 figures are based on the new method. The renewable energy share based on national averages (location-based method) was 35 per cent in 2020 and is shown on a separate line. Environmental figures 1.2 RENEWABLE ENERGY SHARE Share of renewable energy increased The use of energy, including heat and electricity, at Arla's sites contributes to climate change, depletion of non-renewable resources and pollution. As a result, switching from fossil to renewable energy is an important lever to fulfil Arla's climate ambition and reduce the carbon footprint from scope 1 and 2 emissions. In 2020, the accounting method for treating renewable energy was changed from location-based to market-based accounting. In 2016-2019, Arla purchased a number of green certificates without accounting for these in the figures, therefore only 2020 figures are disclosed in ESG table 1.2. The renewable energy share was 31 per cent in 2020, positively impacted by increased purchases of green electricity, which were offset by a lack of supply of biogas at our Arla Foods Ingredients facilities in Denmark. In line with our long-term environmental strategy, new targets and initiatives are being developed to change the future energy mix. וווי Accounting policies Energy usage in production consists of renewable and fossil-based fuels and electricity. Renewable energy is energy based on renewable sources, which can be naturally replenished, such as sun, wind, water, biomass, and geothermal heat. From 2020, Arla measures and reports emissions based on market-based accounting and will account for the purchase of green electricity by contractural agreement in the renewable energy share calculation. The renewable electricity purchased from national sources is assessed annually using figures for the national electricity mix supplied by Sphera, an industry-leading consultancy firm collecting, assessing and analysing emission data based on the latest scientific evidence. To calculate the share of renewables, the total renewable energy use is divided by the group's total energy use. Some Arla sites produce and sell excess energy, i.e. electricity and heat. The energy sold was not deducted in the calculation of the renewable energy share. ☑Uncertainties and estimates The data presented in ESG table 1.2 is collected monthly from our sites. Data for energy consumption is primarily based on invoice information and automated meter readings at each site, and therefore there is very little uncertainty associated with these figures. Arla does not not account for energy losses, therefore all energy purchased is included in the figures. 125 ARLA FOODS ANNUAL REPORT 2020
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