Malayan Banking Berhad Financial Analysis slide image

Malayan Banking Berhad Financial Analysis

Healthy Liquidity Levels Liquidity Indicators Key Drivers LCR LDR NSFR • Liquidity Position Healthy Group liquidity ratios with NSFR and LCR levels above regulatory requirements 144.2% 136.4% 117.0% 145.4% 118.1% 107.9% • 89.5% 91.6% 91.6% Dec 21 Sep 22 Group Gross Deposits Dec 22 4Q'22 vs 3Q'22 (0.0)% 4Q'22 vs 4Q'21 +3.5% Deposits 617.7 639.4 82.8 88.5 639.4 89.1 +0.7% +7.7% RM billion 244.1 270.8 288.6 +6.6% +18.2% 290.8 280.1 261.7 (6.6)% (10.0)% Dec 21 Group CASA Ratio 47.1% Sep-22 43.8% Dec 22 40.9% CASA ■FD Others Note: 1) BNM's minimum LCR and NSFR requirements are 100% 2) LDR excludes loans to banks and Fls • Group gross deposits grew 3.5% YoY supported by: 。 5.4% increase in MY driven by growth of 17.1% in FD and 8.2% in other deposits while CASA reduced -2.8% 。 0.4% increase in SG as FD grew 33.7% offset with CASA decline of 34.5% as customers were more price sensitive 。 Offset with 7.9% reduction in IDN on FD reduction (-15.3%) while CASA remained strong (+0.4%) Although Group CASA ratio was lower at 40.9% from 47.1% a year ago, it remained above pre-pandemic levels (Dec' 19: 35.5%): 。 MY CASA ratio 45.1% at Dec'22 (Dec'21: 49.3%, Dec' 19: 38.7%) 。 SG CASA ratio 31.9% at Dec 22 (Dec'21: 48.8%, Dec' 19: 29.1%) 。 IDN CASA ratio 51.3% at Dec'22 (Dec'21: 47.0%, Dec' 19: 36.5%) . QoQ, Group deposits remained stable as reduction of 0.7% in MY and 1.1% in IDN was offset with growth of 0.9% in SG. FDs grew 6.6% offsetting CASA outflow of 6.6% 18
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