FY23 Results Presentation slide image

FY23 Results Presentation

Strong growth in revenue and earnings • Revenue up $565.7m (43% pcp) to $1,896.4m Strong growth through execution of our strategy: Organic growth of $183.2m or 14% Contribution from strategic acquisitions of Everyday Independence in Australia and Equus in the US Refer Appendix for country revenue analysis Underlying EBITDA up $57.0m (19% pcp) to $365.0m Group EBITDA margin lower in FY23 driven by APM's diversification strategy supporting sustainable growth (see slide 22): Changes in geographic mix with greater contribution from US and Canadian businesses which have a lower margin profile given they are predominantly fixed fee / cost plus contracts Investment in the attraction and retention of talent and systems to support growth of the Allied Health and NDIS business Underlying NPATA up $11.9m (7% pcp) to $178.2m Underlying NPATA growth despite an increase in interest rates and tax UK tax rate increased from 19% to 25% APM enabling better lives FY23 Results Presentation | August 2023 A$m FY23 FY22 Growth Australia and New Zealand 816.7 680.4 20% Rest of World 436.6 432.9 1% North America 643.1 217.4 196% Revenue 1,896.4 1,330.7 43% Underlying EBITDA 1,3 365.0 308.0 19% Margin % 19.2% 23.1% Australia and New Zealand 85.1 97.5 -13% Rest of World 49.6 57.2 -13% North America 43.5 11.6 275% Underlying NPATA 178.2 166.3 7% Margin % 9.4% 12.5% Statutory NPATA 158.5 92.4 72% 1. EBITDA earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation 2. NPATA Net profit after tax and before contract amortisation 3. Refer page 24 for a reconciliation of underlying EBITDA to statutory EBITDA and underlying NPATA to statutory NPATA 11
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