Rentokil Initial Investor Day Presentation Deck
Hygiene & Wellbeing:
The new Pest Control.
3. Organic: Inside the Washroom
Upsell additional solutions to satisfy 'new' needs driven by
the pandemic - using our expertise.
Launch new services eg air care, digital and no touch - no
touch units increasing across all ranges - higher value units.
Demand for new more sustainable services eg significant
water saving through Rapid Digital Hygiene. UK pilot saved
+150,000 litres of water annually - per tap.
Cross-sell opportunity: Level of customers with both Pest &
Hygiene services ranges from c.10% in Italy and Australia to
c.35% in Malaysia.
Core washroom growth - upsell and new services
Jill Rodgers, Marketing Director, UK & ROW Region
Core Hygiene - inside of the washroom:
c.50% of our 4% -6% medium-term organic growth target.
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