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International Banking and Growth

(1) Provisions for Credit Losses ($ millions) Q1/14 Q2/14 Q3/14 Q4/141 Q1/15 Canadian Retail 118 127 137 225 154 Canadian Commercial 17 13 15 11 11 Total 135 140 152 236 165 International Retail 187 196 206 218 246 International Commercial 30 33 36 118 39 Total 217 229 242 336 285 Total - Excluding Colpatria credit mark 269 256 270 392 301 Global Banking & Markets 4 6 4 2 13 Total 356 375 398 574 463 PCL ratio (bps) - Total PCL as 34 36 37 53 42 % of average loans and BAS Excluding the impact for accelerated loan write-offs for bankrupt retail accounts of $62 million pre-tax (See Appendix - Notable Items), adjusted Q4/14 All Bank PCLs is $512 million and Total Canadian Banking is $148 million. Adjusted All bank PCL ratio is 47bps in Q4/14 24 Scotiabank®
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