Investor Presentaiton
8 Cargill 2020 Annual Report
We mobilized more than 3,500 administrative
employees to work at home, under conditions
that followed social distancing guidelines;
At factories, we adopted the safety protocols
recommended by the WHO: check temperatures
upon entry; mandatory face mask use; make
available oxymeters for confirmed cases; apply
quick tests on groups having greater exposure;
anyone presenting symptoms would stay home
until the diagnosis had been established;
The Human Resources and Environment, Health
and Safety (EHS) areas would hold daily align-
ment meetings and get together weekly with
leaders to put into effect the decided actions;
We doubled the number of buses to maintain
distancing between employees;
The company adopted a benefit package that all
received for the new work modalities;
We reinforced programs and initiatives focusing
on employee quality of life;
We constantly disclosed on the progression of
the disease and necessary care, relayed by a
task force to all sites of our operations;
Cargill global launched a fund, the Cargill Cares
Employee Disaster Relief Fund, to assist employees
in emergencies such as covid-19, disasters or other
needs. To learn more, click here.
Managers received daily technical information, via a meeting
called Essential Encounters and received support to guide
and clarify employee doubts;
Employees received guidelines on how to create a work
space at home and received support on how to equip
this location;
Reinforcement of the 0800 service to support employ-
ees, available for all workers and family members to seek
information on health, mental health, legal issues, finan-
cial problems and contamination in the family, among
other requirements.
We supported Food Service clients (bars and
restaurants), which were among those mostly
affected by the pandemic, by offering manage-
rial knowhow and financial support via credit
lines to maintain their cash flow.
We distributed 2,300 snack and meal kits
everyday to truckers when they had no access
to food on highways during the restaurant shut-
down period.
To help deal with the food insecurity and emer-
gency medical needs worsened during the pan-
demic, we provided a series of measures that
favored vulnerable people across the country.
We worked with partnering organizations, donating more
than R$ 5 million to charitable institutions in 15 Brazilian
states, assisting 324,000 people;
We donated 84 tons of food to 156,000 people by means
of our Liza, Maria and Tarantella brands;
By means of a global partnership between Cargill and
Global Foodbanking Network (GFN), US$ 50,000 were
donated to Mesa Brasil Sesc, a national food bank orga-
nization that fights famine and waste in Brazil;
The Cargill Foundation made available an emergency
fund of more than R$ 1.5 million to purchase food and
donations for non-profit institutions that benefited more
than 40,000 people;
We donated more than 57 tons of products to 12 social
organizations in São Paulo/SP, Mairinque/SP and
Goiânia/GO, benefiting 4,350 families at an estimated
market cost of R$ 749,000;
We articulated with international partners to deliver more
than R$ 1 million to the PPA Solidariedade Initiative to
mitigate the covid-19 impacts among the most vulnerable
populations of the Brazilian Amazon.
We sent baskets of essential goods to three cit-
ies in the West of Pará to supply more than 7,000
families and disseminated awareness campaigns
in the region concerning the risks of the disease
to around 100,000 people and supported pre-
vention and control measures at health units and
In order to maintain its operations, the com-
pany injected working capital resources in three
Santarém (PA) cooperatives.View entire presentation