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Investor Presentaiton

Further Strengthening of an Accommodative Bank Indonesia's Policy Mix BGM: Lower/Hol dBI 7-day Reverse Repo Rate Stabilization Of The Rupiah Money Market & Foreign Exchange BGM 19-20 FEB, 2 MAR, AND 18-19 MAR 2020 1. Lower BI7DRR by 25 bps in February to 4,75%, and other 25 bps in March to 4,50% 2. Lower a 50bps of daily rupiah reserve requirement (RR) for the banks engaged in export-import financing, and expanding rupiah RR cut for SME 3. Lower Foreign Exchange Reserve Requirement from 8% to 4% 4. Rupiah (vostro) accounts of foreign investors as underlying of DNDF 5. Domestic custodian bank for global investors Quantitative Easing 6. Triple spot, Macro- Prudential Policy Payment System Policy intervention: DNDF, & purchasing SBN in the secondary market 7. Daily FX swap auction and Repo auction of SBN 8. Liquidity through operation injection monetary 9. Relaxation of Macro- prudential Intermediation Ratio 10. QRIS campaign to SME, traditional markets, students and worship places Board of Governor Meeting 11. Lower SKNBI cost Source: Bank Indonesia BGM 13-14 APRIL AND 18-19 MAY 2020 1. Hold the BI 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate at 4.50% for external stability & stimulate growth 2. Strengthening the intensity of triple intervention policy 3. Providing liquidity for the banking industry on restructuring MSME loans and ultra-micro with formal loans 4. Lower the rupiah RR ratios by 200bps for conventional commercial banks and by 50bps for Islamic banks 5. Strengthening Monetary operations and Islamic financial market deepening through FLisBI, PaSBI and SiPA 6. Relaxing the additional demand deposit obligations on the MIR 7. Raised the MLB by 200bps for conventional commercial banks and by 50bps for Islamic banks 8. Increasing the non-cash payment instruments uptake 9. Strengthening policy mix and coordination with the other & Government authorities 10.Accelerating implementation of digital economy & finance BGM 17-18 JUNE AND 15-16 JULY 2020 1. Lower BI7DRR to 4,00%, 25 bps in June and 25 bps in July 2. Maintaining Rupiah exchange rate stabilization policy in line with the currency's fundamental value and market mechanisms 3. Providing reserve requirement remuneration of 1.5% per year for banks meeting daily and average rupiah reserve requirements 4. Strengthening a synergized expansive monetary policy response with accelerated fiscal stimuli from the Government: āœ“ firmly to committed funding the APBN 2020 through SBN purchases in the primary market to finance the budgets for healthcare, protections, government ministries and agencies & local government social sectoral āœ“ Burden sharing with the Government to accelerate MSME and corporate sector recoveries 5. Expediting payment system digitalization to hasten the digital economy and finance implementation as part of the economic recovery efforts BGM 18-19 AUG, 16-17 SEP AND 12-13 OCT 2020 1. Hold BI7DRR at 4,00% 2. Focusing on the quantity channel by providing liquidity to stimulate economic recovery, including supporting Government in accelerating 2020 state budget realization 3. Maintaining rupiah stabilization policy in line with fundamental value & market mechanisms 4. Strengthening MO strategy in order to accelerate monetary policy transmission 5. Accelerating money market and foreign exchange market deepening through infrastructure development, including ETP & CCP 6. Lowering the minimum limit of DP on green automotive loans/financing from 5-10% to 0%, in compliance with prudential principles 7. Extending the 50bps lower on rupiah reserve requirements, as an incentive for banks disbursing loans to SMEs and for export-import activity and to non-SMEs operating in priority sectors as stipulated in the PEN, from 31 Dec' 20 previously until 30 Jun'21; 8. Accelerating development of money market instruments to support corporate and SME financing in line with the national economic recovery program 9. Strengthening synergy with the banking industry, FinTech, Government and relevant authorities to accelerate digitalization, amongst others, by supporting SME digitalization and the Made in Indonesia National Movement (GERNAS BBI), and promoting the use of QRIS for e-commerce 10. Expanding QRIS acceptance to bolster economic recovery and accelerate SME by extending 0% MDR for micro-businesses from 30 Sept 20 previously until 31 Dec'20 11. Strengthening policy implementation to stimulate SMEs through corporatization, increasing capacity, access to finance as well as digitalization in line with Gernas BBI 12. Strengthening the digital economy & finance ecosystem through the use of digital payment instruments & collaboration between the banking industry, FinTech & e- commerce to support PEN 105
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