Meritor Acquisition and 2022 Financial Results
Table of Contents
The table below sets forth the net periodic pension (income) cost for the years ended December 31 and our expected cost for 2023.
In millions
Net periodic pension (income) cost
(2) $
19 $
We expect 2023 net periodic pension income to increase compared to 2022, primarily due to the full year benefit of the Meritor pension plans added during the acquisition and a
higher estimated return on assets in the U.S. and U.K. The decrease in net periodic pension cost in 2022 compared to 2021 was primarily due to higher discount rates in the U.S.
and U.K. and favorable actuarial experience in the U.S., partially offset by a lower expected rate of return in the U.K. The decrease in net periodic pension cost in 2021
compared to 2020 was due to favorable actuarial experience and investment returns, partially offset by lower discount rates in the U.S. and U.K.
The weighted-average discount rates used to develop our net periodic pension cost are set forth in the table below.
U.S. plans
U.K. plans
Discount Rates
5.55 %
4.99 %
3.31 %
2.62 %
3.36 %
The discount rate enables us to state expected future cash payments for benefits as a present value on the measurement date. The guidelines for setting this rate suggest the use of
a high-quality corporate bond rate. We used bond information provided by Moody's Investor Services, Inc. and Standard & Poor's Rating Services. All bonds used to develop
our hypothetical portfolio in the U.S. and U.K. were deemed high-quality, non-callable bonds (Aa or better) at December 31, 2022, by at least one of the bond rating agencies.
Our model called for projected payments until near extinction for the U.S. and the U.K. For both countries, our model matches the present value of the plan's projected benefit
payments to the market value of the theoretical settlement bond portfolio. A single equivalent discount rate is determined to align the present value of the required cash flow
with the value of the bond portfolio. The resulting discount rate is reflective of both the current interest rate environment and the plan's distinct liability characteristics.
The table below sets forth the estimated impact on our 2023 net periodic pension income relative to a change in the discount rate and a change in the expected rate of return on
plan assets.
In millions
Discount rate used to value liabilities
0.25 percent increase
0.25 percent decrease
Expected rate of return on assets
1 percent increase
1 percent decrease
Impact on Pension Income
The above sensitivities reflect the impact of changing one assumption at a time. A higher discount rate decreases the plan obligations and decreases our net periodic pension
cost. A lower discount rate increases the plan obligations and increases our net periodic pension cost. It should be noted that economic factors and conditions often affect
multiple assumptions simultaneously and the effects of changes in key assumptions are not necessarily linear. NOTE 11, "PENSIONS AND OTHER POSTRETIREMENT
BENEFITS," to our Consolidated Financial Statements provides a summary of our pension benefit plan activity, the funded status of our plans and the amounts recognized in
our Consolidated Financial Statements.
See NOTE 1, "SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES" to our Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information.
ITEM 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk
We are exposed to financial risk resulting from volatility in foreign exchange rates, interest rates and commodity prices. This risk is closely monitored and managed through the
use of physical forward contracts (which are not considered derivatives), and financial derivative instruments including foreign currency forward contracts, commodity swap
contracts and interest rate swaps and locks. Financial derivatives are used expressly for hedging purposes and under no circumstances are they used for speculative
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