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Investor Presentaiton

PANORAMA OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR'S PARTICIPATION IN SANITATION 2021 Casa Branca (SP) Full Concession A new sewage treatment plant, inaugurated in 2020, now benefits nearly 2,000 inhabi- tants in a district of the city. The 'Águas de Casa Branca' concessionaire (Terracom Sa- neamento) took over the concession in 2018 and brought the investment forward. This investment came to BRL 1 million, for the Venda Branca STP, and was penciled in to start only in 2028. With the arrival of the new operation, all sewage started to be treated. In 2019, the water treatment station, which had already been reopened, underwent im- provements and modernization to ensure the supply of water to the local population. The concessionaire works towards the uni- versalization of sanitation in Casa Branca, to make the city a reference benchmark in the sector. Paraibuna (SP) Full Concession Since taking over the sanitation services of the municipality, in 2017, CAEPA, a conces- sionaire of the GS Inima Group, has priori- tized the modernization of the water supply system, including the replacement of the network in the city centre, installed more than 60 years ago, and implementation of the sanitary sewer system. The total investment planned for the mu- nicipality is BRL 20.5 million, to be invested over a 30-year concession period. A NEW SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC FRONTIER FOR BRAZIL Paraíba do Sul (RJ) Full Concession The 'Águas do Condessa' concessionaire, part of the Águas do Brasil Group, offi- cially started activities in the municipality of 44,000 inhabitants in December 2020, seeking to lower price levels and solve the issues related to interrupted services no longer available to the population. The investment is approximately BRL 85 million for 35 years of concession, with BRL 24 million due to be invested over the next five years. For the sewage collection and treatment system, which currently does not exist, the concessionaire will progress to coverage of 25% of the city's properties in the first five years, contributing to the qual- ity of life of the population and preserving the environment, from the protection of the basin of the Paraíba do Sul, the region's main source of water. Paranaguá (PR) Full Concession In 2018, this municipality received a new sewage treatment plant (STP), serving 18 neighborhoods, with about 40 thousand residents. With the new station, the Para- naguá Saneamento concessionaire, of the Group, increased the coverage of effluent treatment from 70% to 90%. This indicator shows us that Paranaguá has made the list of the most sanitized cities in Brazil. The investment was BRL 47.8 million. This amount includes not only the construction of the sewage treatment plant, but also the implementation of 18 sewage pumping sta- tions and 7,500 connections of household networks. There was also the addition of 72,000 meters of collection systems and an outflow sewage system (a pipe that trans- ports the treated effluent to a release point in the river) with 2,000 meters of extension were installed. The concessionaire has also pointed out several areas of progress in their manage- ment period. To ensure the regular supply of the Ilha do Mel seaside resort during the period of overcrowding, at the start of last year the company invested BRL 500,000 in the implementation of flexible tanks, in- stalled close to the beach to enable supply by barges, and this contributed to the in- creased water availability without affecting the catchment systems of the city. 32 33
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