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Investor Presentaiton

Economic Perspective The total income in 2011 reached 10 thousand 829 million pesos, an increase of 177 million pesos compared to 2010. Results (Millions of pesos) 2011 Revenues 10,829 Operatin profit Net profit 437 -2.043 Indicators Likewise, the operating cash flow or EBITDA reached 3 thousand 575 million pesos compared to 3 thousand 228 million in 2010, an increase of 347 million pesos. The 11% improvement in operating cash flow is due to the positive result in our businesses which offset the negative effect of the agreement termination with an important wholesale client, a strict discipline in spending, and regulatory benefits which translated into lower costs. EBITDA / Revenues Operating profit / revenues 33% 4% -19% 3.6 Liability / Equity 2.88 Net profit/revenues Interest coverage Total personnel 8,024 [EC1] 64
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