Rio de Janeiro GHG Emissions Inventory and Climate Change Mitigation Opportunities slide image

Rio de Janeiro GHG Emissions Inventory and Climate Change Mitigation Opportunities

Centro Clima CENTRO DE ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS SOBRE MEIO AMBIENTE E MUDANÇAS CLIMÁTICAS Climate change action at the subnational level: activities of Brazilian states and cities Elaboration and regular updating of GHG Emissions Inventories. Projection of GHG Emissions Scenarios and identification of mitigation actions. Elaboration and regular updating of GHG Emissions Mitigation Plans. Implementation of mitigation actions and monitoring of mitigation milestones. Similar steps in Adaptation to Climate Change: Impact Scenarios; Assessment of Vulnerability; Adaptation Plans. Privileged opportunities at state level: Waste, Transportation, Energy efficiency, Environmental licensing, among others. Privileged opportunities at city level: Waste, Urban Transport, eficiente electricity use, among others.
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