Workforce Challenges & DDS Waiver Services Analysis
What We Heard: Autism Spectrum Disorder Task Force
Below are common themes we heard from interviews and listening sessions with ASDTF members
Working: Build Upon
Membership: Dedicated members with experience; member with ASD brings
valuable perspective; new members are bringing new energy and ideas,
Purpose: Members find having a single-issue task force valuable given the rising
population of people with ASD and lack of system of support,
Agenda: Members are given the opportunity to contribute to the agenda. Guest
speakers are helpful. Members can request education on specific issues.
Facilitation: Chairwoman is knowledgeable and a skilled facilitator. Relationships
are mending after the state suggested ending the Task Force without first
consulting members.
Membership: Need for new diverse voices at the table; more members with ASD.
Purpose: Members are not clear on their mandate or how to contribute. There is
no charter. State recommends an umbrella Task Force on ID/DD/ASD system of
care that single issue groups could participate in/ advise as a subcommittee.
Agenda: Chairwoman develops the agenda and it is often focused on ASD &
voucher services. Members are interested in also hearing about other ASD: Life
Skills Transition Center, Vocational Rehabilitation, Indian Health etc. Although
members may contribute to the agenda, they feel uncertain doing so, given that
the Chairwoman works for the DHS.
Facilitation: Having a state employee as chair of the Task Force creates a "power
over" dynamic. Members recommend someone in a supportive function who is a
liaison to the committee. State agrees that having a neutral party to facilitate would
be helpful.
Action: There is a history of the Task Force doing data collection and surveys, and Action: Task Force is more discussion-based than action-oriented. Members often
interest in doing this again. New members bring momentum.
do not take action outside of meetings.
LEADERSHIP ACTION. RESULTS.View entire presentation