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Investor Presentaiton

146 INVESTOR-STATE DISPUTE SETTLEMENT: A SEQUEL 171 per party. This equal allocation is without prejudice to the final allocation of costs by the tribunal. 172 1. Arbitrator fees - Remuneration of arbitrators can amount to a sizeable part of the overall arbitration costs. In the ICSID system, arbitrators' fees are set according to the schedule currently US$3,000 per day per arbitrator in addition to subsistence allowances and reimbursement of travel expenses (although the parties may agree to different arbitrators' fees, with the Secretary-General's permission). Under the UNCITRAL Rules, arbitrators generally set their own fees. They are to be "reasonable", taking into account the monetary amount in dispute, the complexity of the subject-matter, and the amount of time spent by the arbitrators. The fees charged by arbitrators in proceedings governed by the UNCITRAL Rules tend to be higher than those in the ICSID schedule. IIAS are typically silent on the matter of arbitrators' remuneration, although some recent treaties have addressed the issue. For example, the Colombia-Japan BIT (2011) states: "The disputing parties may agree on the fees to be paid to the arbitrators. If the disputing parties do not reach an agreement on the fees to be paid to the arbitrators before the establishment of the Tribunal, the fees and expenses established from time to time in the ICSID and effective at the time of the establishment of the Tribunal shall apply." (Article 30.6). 171 Kinnear, Bjorklund and Hannaford, 2009, p. 1135. 172 ICSID Convention Articles 59-61; ICISD Administrative and Financial Regulations 14(3) and 16. UNCTAD Series on International Investment Agreements II
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